Welcome to Electronics Recycling

  • Electronics


    No. 1 in Electronics Recycling in Dade, Broward and Palm beach counties.

    About us
  • Renew, Reuse, Recycle

    Giving Electronics a Second Life

    No. 1 in Electronics Recycling in Dade, Broward and Palm beach counties.

    Our services

Welcome to Allied Electronics

More About Us

Allied Electronics Trading, Inc. (AET) is a computer and electronics recycler, broker and reseller located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We recycle office equipment, and excess equipment in Broward County, Palm Beach County, Dade County, Florida

Environmental Protection

Electronics contain hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can pollute the environment if not disposed of properly.

Resource Conservation

Many electronic devices contain valuable materials that can be recovered and reused in new products, reducing the need for raw materials.

Data Security

Proper disposal of electronic devices ensures that sensitive data stored on them is securely erased or destroyed, protecting individuals and organizations.

Our Services

What we do

Electronic Recycling

Your equipment includes somewhat recent, working equipment as well as retired and non-working equipment.

Office Equipment Recycling

Your equipment includes somewhat recent, working equipment as well as retired and non-working equipment.

Our Mission

About us

Our Mission To put an end to the reckless disposal and waste of often reusable, salvageable computer and electronic equipment and parts that currently takes place in the State of Florida and elsewhere by using creative asset recovery techniques.

Unlike other recyclers, AET will accept ALL types of equipment in ANY condition- we do not pick and choose like most recyclers. In addition to standard IT equipment, we accept copiers, fax machines, telephones, televisions, A/V equipment, and other common office gear. If remarketing your equipment isn't an option due to age or condition, we will provide other recycling and disposal options.
There are two basic type of documentation. The certificate of destruction and the equipment inventory.