Welcome to Electronics Recycling

Electronics Recycling in Fort Lauderdale and Miami, Palm Beach, Florida

Recycling with Revenue Distribution Service. This is our most popular service.

  • Your equipment includes somewhat recent, working equipment as well as retired and non-working equipment
  • We provide you with an inventory showing the current resale rate for any remarketable equipment.
  • We will provide you with a percentage of any positive settlement.
  • For the equipment that has no recycle potential nor resale value, we provide you with the disposal costs.

Recycling by the Lot.

  • When the bulk of your equipment is newer or recently off lease, functional equipment.
  • We will assess your inventory and offer you fair-market value.

Recycling by Weight.

  • Your equipment is obsolete, defective, damaged, and/or non-functional equipment.
  • We will recycle it by the pound.

Recycling New or Used Excess Equipment.

  • For vendors or retailers who have exhausted their market.
  • For those who have inventory that has outdated its warranty.
  • We will broker your equipment.